DrillAir Compressor Range

(264 - 410 kW)

FAD: 805 – 1373 cfm / 896 – 1250 l/s
Pressure: 5-35 bar(e)

DrillAir: Putting you in control

We have developed, and will continue developing, a full range of compressors known as the DrillAir range. This range of compressors is specifically developed to cover a multitude of drilling applications. The DrillAir range is built scientifically around the principals of pressure and flow. The focus of the design is the relationship between these two variables and for the compressor to find the combination which is right for the application – to improve the efficiency aspects of time spent and fuel consumed. With the DrillAir range you achieve the maximum air flow at any pressure setting.

There is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to efficient drilling. Depending on the depth of hole and the size of the hammer the right product makes all the difference. The DrillAir range gives you the opportunity to choose a product which is right for your core business, while giving you the flexibility to adapt to changes in well depth and hammer size for any custom applications.

Let us find the DrillAir machine that is right for you!

To get the full catalogue, reach out to us now!!!